
Celebrate Eid Around the World

Saturday, April 5
11:00 am – 4:00 pm

Experience how cultures around the world mark the end of Ramadan and celebrate Eid al-Fitr! Enjoy a day of music, dance, food, and art that honors cultural traditions from across the Muslim world, presented in partnership with Council Member Shahana Hanif.

Enjoy vibrant Bangladeshi dance performances by the Bangladesh Institute of Performing Arts, interactive drumming inspired by Sufi traditions, and engaging storytelling that tells the story of Eid presented by The Culture Tree. Plus Turkish, Kurdish, and Islamic classical music, delicious food provided by local vendors through the Turkish Cultural Center of Brooklyn, and more!

Join us along with Council Member Shahana Hanif, the Turkish Cultural Center, The Culture Tree, and the Bangladesh Institute of Performing Arts for this special multicultural celebration.